All Pop time was better


I am not the kind of person that thinks that the past was better. I always think that the best is yet to come and enjoy to the fullest the moment that was given to me now.  But, I need to say that Pop music used to be better (till the 90’s, thanks to the Back Street Boys).  I do still like some Pop from nowadays. I admit I can’t help to do a little shake when I listen to ” Call me maybe”, do the “Ganham Style” or follow the steps for “Michel Telo’s” hits.  Pop music is just fun and there is nothing we can do to avoid it. I just embrace my un-coolness. I need to credit my dad and my brother on this one, they are the ones that helped developed my taste.

A weekend ago Alex and me became tourists in our own town and explored different neighborhoods from San Diego. Coronado Island was one of our favorites. Clayton’s Diner was the cherry on top. A 50’s style Diner. The atmosphere was charming: waitresses with big smiles in retro aprons and Motown music playing in the background.

Listening to that music and watching the selection at the Jukebox made me feel longing of times I never lived. In Uruguay, we celebrate ” the Nostalgic night”, and play oldies and party till the sun comes out. It is the most popular night in the country, with more people out than Christmas or New Year. I am still a Uruguayan after all. Maybe I should start Nostalgia night here….

I took a bunch of pictures, check them out:




I couldn’t help trying on one of the cute retro aprons…






Seriously, not only did they sound better, but they looked better too!


6 Comments on “All Pop time was better

  1. Amé el lugar, las fotos, tu vestido a flores y tu sonrisa! Muacks!!

  2. Me encanto! Que lindo lugar, tu fotos impresionantes como siempre!! Hermoso paseó con Alex!

  3. A real blast from the past! I love the colors in these photos, so many pastels.

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