All Pop time was better

All Pop time was better

I am not the kind of person that thinks that the past was better. I always think that the best is yet to come and enjoy to the fullest the moment that was given to me now.  But, I need to say that Pop music used to be better (till the 90’s, thanks to the […]

Getting ready for my first wedding photoshoot

Getting ready for my first wedding photoshoot

Tomorrow I am shooting my first wedding and I can’t help but feel super excited and nervous at the same time. I have never shot or assisted a wedding as a photographer, but I do know how to shoot and sometimes the best things come out when you start

Why I always ask for criticism

Why I always ask for criticism

I didn’t used to like criticism, I used to get defensive and offended. I would feel completely defeated, and would want to quit when someone told me what I did wasn’t good enough. Luckily I learned from criticism and no, I didn’t quit. I learned not to take it personally and how to use it […]

Out and back to the routine

Out and back to the routine

I woke up to the sound of the planes flying over my head. I am once again in San Diego after a whole week in Santa Barbara. Back to my morning mate, too much computer and an evening run or surf routine. It was an intense week full of photo shoots, video shoots, design work, […]

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