Where Ideas Come From

Where Ideas Come From

  What do you see in the picture below? I see a green dress from a very, very tall lady. I see a street pole turning into a sweet lady in a beautiful green dress. I see a character and a story. Ideas are every were. We never know when will they come. We never […]

behind the scenes – SD train station

behind the scenes – SD train station

It’s friday at 5pm and the train station is packed. You can see the different feelings of people racing through the platform and the waiting room. The feelings are mixed: anxiety, to be already home; expectant joy, for the weekend ahead; release, because the week is over the work is done; dread, to get in a […]



A Photographic Journey to Hearst Castle -“Rosebud” I am sure that I am not the only person who thinks of Citizen Kane or W.R. Hearst when I hear this word. Ok, turns out that “Rosebud” is actually not connected to W.R. Hearst at all. He was born in San Francisco, where it gets freaking cold […]

Thoughts on Portraiture

Thoughts on Portraiture

The blue hour is here, the sweet light, the twilight. The blue colors are scattered through the air. We are done shooting what we planned to. Stephanie is still here. We don’t have anywhere to go anytime soon. I have to take some portraits of her. Not doing it would be a waste of light. […]

After the Fire

After the Fire

“…Only if the third necessary thing could be given us. Number one, as I said: quality of information. Number two: leisure to digest it. And number three: the right to carry out actions based on what we learn from the interaction of the first two.” ― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 This picture was inspired by the book […]

Long Live Paperback

Long Live Paperback

I need to say that I am guilty of leaving the good old paperback books for the ipod portable audiobooks. Everything started last year once I changed my computer and they gave me a gift card for the apple store. With this incentive I got my first audiobook, after that many more followed. I put […]

Creative Compositing Workshop at Youth Interactive

Creative Compositing Workshop at Youth Interactive

It’s been a while since the last time I posted. It is a good feeling to be finally at home sitting down to write. Sometimes life gets in the way in good ways, like my parents coming to visit me for three weeks. When that happens it is good to just lean back and enjoy […]

Our First Underwater Photoshoot

Our First Underwater Photoshoot

   I’ve always been fascinated by underwater photography. I love how everything looks so timeless but still all flows. It wasn’t until recently that we had access to an underwater camera to do an underwater photo shoot. Nothing fancy, just a Go Pro Hero.  Using this kind of camera is like using an old film […]

Kiki + Matt = <3

Kiki + Matt = <3

Kik and Matt are magnetic. They are the kind of people everyone loves . It is impossible not to. Together they inspire love and care. Something that they got from their crazy fun families. They like to gather and connect people to make them smile and have

Overcoming My Scribbles

Overcoming My Scribbles

Yet another withe page with no lines waiting to be filled with scribbles. Those that may or may not find their way into my computer to come alive with light and colors. As you can see drawing is not my strong point. I can’t even trace a straight line with a ruler. During school and

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