Colors, shapes and textures of Colonia del Sacramento

One more holiday season passed by being back home, my lifelong home, Uruguay. One month can seem like a long time but it goes super fast when you fill it up with family, friends, 80 degree weather, long lasting days, and countless reasons to celebrate once the sun goes down.

This year some of my good american friends flew to Uruguay for one week to join my crazy family and I for the new year. A day trip to Colonia del Sacramento was scheduled. Despite the car breaking down midway we made it in time to stroll through the old colony and even get wet in the “Rio de la Plata”.

Below you’ll find some of the pictures I took walking around the once Portuguese colony. Sorry, these are not necessarily photojournalistic, they wont really show you Colonia as it is. Before starting  to shoot I set an intention: I was going to focus on textures, colors and shapes and try to make a little set of images that would go well together. Now you can tell me what you think and if my intention shows.

Colonia del Sacramento

Colonia del Sacramento

Colonia del Sacramento

Colonia del Sacramento

Colonia del Sacramento

Colonia del Sacramento






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