Cozy Mushroom Casserole For Cold Days

Mushroom Casserole

Seems like winter didn’t want to leave un-noticed and decided to stay for part of spring. My wool sweaters finally made it out of the closet and it feels nice to snuggle in them. I was actually missing the cold weather…I cannot believe I just said that…but it is true. I like going back to my home in Uruguay during their summer (US winter) so I skip a good chunk of the coldest San Diego days. We are hoping for some rain this weekend,  we need it desperately.  With that in mind and in a complete cozy cold weather mood I prepared a super easy and nutrient packed mushroom casserole.

Be aware, this is not the kind of recipe you can rush so don’t do it when you are already hungry. Set up some nice tunes and enjoy the process!

Cold Days Cozy Mushroom Casserole

This is what you’ll need:

– 1 Cup of Brown Rice

– 1 Butternut Squash

–  1 small box of Crimmini Mushrooms

– 1 big leek

– Nutmeg

– Black Pepper

– Parsley to garnish

– Nutricional Yeast

– Garlic powder

– Olive oil


–  Food Processor or Blender

–  13×9 aprox. backing dish

Cold Days Cozy Mushroom Casserole

1- Rinse and prepare the brown rice. You’ll wanna start with this step because it is the one that will take the longest. Brown rice tends to take 35- 45 minutes to cook. I usually prepare huge batches of rice or other grain once a week so that I always have something handy when time or laziness get in the way.

2- Cut the butternut squash in pieces. You can choose to leave the skin or take it out. I usually take some and leave some. Steam or boil the butternut squash until it is tender and “blend-able”. After it’s soft, toss it in the blender or food processor. Add nutmeg, back pepper and salt and blend it all up. If you want a less “runny” consistency try doing the squash in the oven instead.

3- Chop the mushrooms, the leeks and the parsley. (You can do this while the squash is being steamed)

Cold Days Cozy Mushroom Casserole

4- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Oil the backing dish. Toss the brown rice in the backing dish and spread a single layer. Toss the leeks and spread a single layer. Toss the mushrooms and spread a single layer. Sprinkle some salt. Sprinkle some nutritional yeast (I put a lot of this). Sprinkle some garlic powder. Toss the butternut squash paste and spread a single layer. All done and ready for the oven.

If you want to preserve some of the moisture cover the dish with tin foil.

Almost there! Bake for 35-45 minutes.

I try to stay away from cheese but if you are a cheese lover make sure to add some as a topping 5 minutes before you take out the dish. I usually make half of the casserole vegan and the other half real cheesy for Alex, no reason why we can’t both have what we want.

Be patient and let it cool for aprox. 10 minutes.

Hope this recipe warms up your chilly days!

Mucho Amor,


Cold Days Cozy Mushroom Casserole

Quick note about the pictures: It was actually really hard to make this look good. I used natural day light for some and artificial for others, can you tell the difference? Would love to know your opinion!

Cold Days Cozy Mushroom Casserole

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