Idea vs Finished Image

Have you ever been able to create an image that looks exactly like the one you envisioned in your head? I haven’t, not even once. Some of my finished images are a little closer to what originate it but many others are a far cry. This used to make me feel bad because I felt I wasn’t reaching my expectations.

I had the idea for the picture you’ll see below this post long time ago. I drew it on stick figures many different ways. Alex got it after I explained it with words.

“Ahhh, I see now, that’s supposed to be a brush!”

The drawing stayed in my notebook for almost 6 months. I stopped thinking about it. I didn’t find the right ladder. Till one day she found me, in the alleyway dumpster, waiting to be trashed or picked up by the next hoarder…me. It was the perfect ladder: rustic and vintage, or should I say, beat up and very, very old. I saved her from becoming ashes and she saved me time and money. A once forgotten idea was back in motion.

There was no need to explain the idea again. When Alex saw the ladder finding its way into our home he said.

– Wanna do it today? There are clouds out.

Stairs, paint brush and paint bucket in hand and off we go to the cliffs.

20 min after that we were done and enjoying the sunset. The sun sneak thought the clouds last minute before hitting the water. Everything turner red for a couple of minutes. 

Is this image as I imagined it in my head? Not really, not at all but it doesn’t matter. It’s the story behind it that matters. It’s the ladder coming my way, the almost forgotten idea, the sunset after the shoot, it is knowing I have someone always game to go out and have fun taking pictures.

So here you have the finished image…tadaaa!!! and yes…I painted the birds myself, guess I can do some kind of drawing.

Mucho Amor,




2 Comments on “Idea vs Finished Image

  1. Hey thanks for checking out my blog, I figured I’d return the favor! I love how the ladder just came to you, and the it was time for the picture to happen. I always have tons of idea written down and often they just sit there until one day something sparks and I’m off to finally create a dusty old idea and bring it to life. Whether or not you ended up with exactly what was in your head, it’s a beautiful image and I love it.

    • Thank you Robert! it’s an honor to have you here. Hope you bring more of those old ideas to live 🙂

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