Where Ideas Come From

  What do you see in the picture below? I see a green dress from a very, very tall lady. I see a street pole turning into a sweet lady in a beautiful green dress. I see a character and a story. Ideas are every were. We never know when will they come. We never […]

behind the scenes – SD train station

It’s friday at 5pm and the train station is packed. You can see the different feelings of people racing through the platform and the waiting room. The feelings are mixed: anxiety, to be already home; expectant joy, for the weekend ahead; release, because the week is over the work is done; dread, to get in a […]

Thoughts on Portraiture

The blue hour is here, the sweet light, the twilight. The blue colors are scattered through the air. We are done shooting what we planned to. Stephanie is still here. We don’t have anywhere to go anytime soon. I have to take some portraits of her. Not doing it would be a waste of light. […]

Long Live Paperback

I need to say that I am guilty of leaving the good old paperback books for the ipod portable audiobooks. Everything started last year once I changed my computer and they gave me a gift card for the apple store. With this incentive I got my first audiobook, after that many more followed. I put […]

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